Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween, remember when...

Remember when, you got full size candy bars, in your bag?

Your bag was made of paper, a pillow case or a hefty bag (33gal.)

They didnt check your candy, thats all you ate between 5:30 and 9 pm,
because you missed supper, which was promptly at 5 p.m.

Razor blades were only for Dad's shaving.

Remember when you sat in the windowsill and smiled, because your
parents couldnt afford a Jack O'Lantern...Oh, that was just me !!!!!!

Remember when your older brothers and sisters got all the big candy bars,
and left you with the candy corns, that you got used to...

Remember when Halloween fell on Oct. 31st, instead of the weekend before?

Remember the plastic masks, you wore, that you could hardly see out of.

Remember to vote, thats always after Halloween !!

Never stop being a child. Have some candy, if you like, but remember if you
eat too much candy, you'll have a sick stomach.


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