Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Our Neice Hillary's beautiful letter. 5/1/12

I wanted to save this. A letter from our neice Hillary
she moved south with her family.

Hi Chalo. I hope that all is well in Maumee. The days down here have been beautiful and the sunsets are awesome. I think you would like what God paints in the sky over the Mississippi. I am going to a nice church and enjoy it. I am going to go to the humane society this Wed to volunteer walking dogs and helping with adoption. I feel weird asking but would you say a prayer for me? I am struggling pretty badly with my depression and my memory has continued to get worse due to the brain damage I have from the seizures. I know that this is all happening for a reason but I am becoming a bit impatient with myself. I started reading the Bible again and I have come across so many verses that well even though I have read the bible and studied in bible class I never saw them before or thought about the meaning. Those versus have offered so much comfort. 

Did I tell you what happened when I hurt my back. I was having horrible spasms when I was still in Toledo. I could not move at all and had to go to the hospital twice. The first time I left I was still in a lot of pain and then it came back even worse after going home. when it was time for me to leave the hospital the second time I could barely sit in the wheelchair it was so painful and by the time I tried to get in the car it was starting all over again. well they let me go back inside and lay down while my mom ran out to fill a prescription for me. Well I had been praying all day and begging jesus for help. So I was lying there with my eyes closed and I felt somone rubbing my back. I looked around and no one was there. I laid back down andit started again. I swear someone's hands were on me rubbing out the pain The spasms went away completely and I was able to walk out to the car without any help 15 minutes later and then was able to get into the house and even stand in the shower without any help. I told this to my chiropracter and he said the small spasms could have felt like a massage. But I don't think so. I think God sent an angel for me. It may sound really dorky but since then I have felt like there is someone pretty powerful taking care of me and it gives me comfort and a strong feeling of love that I have never experienced before. Looking back through these past few years with this new feeling in me I am amazed at how many situations I have gotten through and it could not have happened without help. 

I don't know if you will understand this, I know your faith is strong. But I spent so many years being angry at God even to the point where I questioned he was real-going against everything I had been brought up to believe. I said some pretty nasty things about him and questioned things that I prob should not have. But the funny thing is when I remember how lonely and angry I was there was always this feeling or voice in my head that told me I was wrong and give up control to God because I couldn't and wasn't handling anything well. I guess God does do things in his own time and he really does want people to love him and let him into our lives. That is something I try to remember everyday. Your faith is an inspiration to me and I hope that someday I will be able to take down all of the barriers I have put up and let him into my life completely. Sorry for the rambling. it is a bit late here and the anxiety has me frazzled and scatter brained. I love you and Margie very much. You are in my prayers. Stay safe!

Thanks Hillary, I pray the Lord keeps you safe as well, draw closer to him everyday !

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