Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Couple Things I'm Sick Of...

Just a couple things I'm sick of...

When the media dwells on news articles, for more than a week.
What do Anna Nicole and James Brown have in common?
Who cares... bury them already!!!
"for my garments they cast lots..."
More true when your a celebrity with a couple million dollars.
Jesus was buried that day, and arose the third day.
Who's the baby daddy?
Does he look like James, does he look like Howard E. Stern or Howard Stern, or Zza Zza's prince, and what was he doing cheating on ZZza Zza? I didnt even know Zza Zzza was dead ... I just looked, she's alive. Maybe the Green Acres money's gone, and he had to be pimped out to Anna Nicole.
And James Brown has children coming out of the woodwork claiming to be his chillun'. They buildin' a mausoleum for him in South Carolina, and kept his body on ice. Brrrrrrrrr Heyyyyy !!!!!!! What happen to the cold sweat?
Whos next, Kirk Douglas? Thats bad... not Spartacus.
Anyway, get over it already, somebody raise the child and send James child to school. What we should be looking forward to is January 20, 2009. George W.'s last day in office. Maybe the troops can get out of Vietnam, err Iraq !!!