Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jon and Kate Plus 8

WE used to watch this reality show, on TLC. Since we downsized our cable,
we no longer watch. It is a story of a man and his wife ( Jon and Kate), who live somewhere in suburbia Pennsylvania. He had a very nice corporate job and she is a homemaker. They had twin girls and decided together to inseminate and ended up having 6 more children at one time.
The show was their lives played out before America. The good times and the bad, the drama and the joy ! There is a line, Jon speaks in the beginning of every episode, where he basically says we're in this for the long haul. Well the long haul, ended abruptly, Monday night, or maybe when Jon was caught out with a female friend at a nightclub on more than one occasion. The show became famous in circles where people are crazy about reality shows. Since the inception, Kate, has written 2 books about the joys of raising this family. 8 children and a husband. Jon always looked like he wanted out from the beginning. Seems he tried to help Kate whenever he could with courting around 8 kids, here and there and would be scolded like one of them, in front of the world. It may be a strange life but it's our life, got real old ! They were given 75, 000 an episode and 2 million dollar book deals and the world took them to heart and couldn't wait to see them each week. Another show, Little People, Big World, about the lives of a family of little people,
well, the mother and father were little and one son, a daughter and son were normal size. Anyway, they decided to call there show quits, after they had to put up an electric fence, and the cameras got a little to close. Jon and kate took it to the end, and though there are claims that Kate was seen with their bodyguard holding hands and Jon is out and about with female friends. God knows what really happened. God knows what the outcome will be and when we read the bible, we don't end up like that !! True love is forever, and gossip, is a bad way, and bad reading.
Instead we should pray for them and their kids. I try not to get caught up in gossip, and catch myself and return to prayer !
God be with them, and you !!

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